White Papers


To help create an actionable, evidence-based agenda that will guide the Initiative, we have commissioned seven white papers written by various subject matter experts. These papers will address specific problems related to migration, human rights, and health and will be formally presented with specific recommendations stemming from each paper. This page will be updated periodically to reflect the progress and topics of each paper.



Regional migration scenario at a glance

Claudia Masferrer, PhD
Silvia Giorguli, PhD



Humanitarian services and healthcare for migrants: A focus on families and children

Paul Wise, MD, MPH



The Trump White House’s efforts to deter asylum seekers at the U.S.-México border

Rafael Fernandez de Castro, PhD
Savi Arvey, MPP



Migrants, cartels, roads and borders: A history of systemic violence and cruelty

Sergio Aguayo, PhD
Manuel Pérez Aguirre, MA, PhD(c)


Marching North: A legal look at the migratory phenomenon in Mesoamerica

Jorge Madrazo, JD


Migration and Infection Disease

George Rutherford, AM, MD

Access to public healthcare services for migrants in México

Ietza Bojorquez, PhD

Making Visible the Invisible: The Short- and Long-Term Impact on the Mental Health of Migrants and Asylum Seekers

Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, MD, PhD
Elizabeth Vasile, PhD
Clarisa Reyes-Becerra, JD
Maria Elena Medina Mora, PhD
Edgar Corzo, JD, PhD
Gustavo Loera, EdD

Connecting Past and Present: Central America’s Forced Migration as an Unfinished Project of Building Just Nations Post-Colonization and Post-Conflict

Raquel Aldana, JD
Mario Mancilla, MSc, PhD
Luis Mogollon, JD

A farewell to Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor policy: Current geopolitical risks in the Mesoamerican region

Bernardo Sepúlveda-Amor, JD